5 Useful Tips On Winter Drying
As January ends and the shortest day has gone, Spring sunshine days can still feel far in the distance. Don’t let the Winter Blues flow over into your weekly chores. Here are some useful tips on drying your washing by line drying indoors and outdoors and avoid using the expensive tumble dryer.
- On a dry winters day, Windy or Sunshine, or both, get the washing out for a short while, this speeds up the drying time. Bring it back into the home to finish and using a drying rack such as the laundry ladder you can spread out your washing and it will dry more quickly.
- If hand washing, or using a low spin on your washing machine, lay the item on a towel and wring out carefully to remove excess water. Use a White Towel to avoid any dye transfer.
- For wool garments do not wring but you can roll your jumper in a clean towel and carefully squeeze to remove excess water. Use a White Towel to avoid any dye transfer.
- Speed up the drying process by use a cooling fan to blow at the drying rack this will dry washing faster. Concerned about condensation, have your washing near a window and then crack open the window a very small amount to let the moisture disperse.
- Hang items on clothes hangers this opens up the garment to allow more air flow speeding up the drying process. Plus this will max out your drying capacity on your airer, if your are using a laundry ladder this is the best way to increase the dry space.
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