The Laundry Ladder by Julu
Welcome to the home of the laundry ladder a uniquely attractive clothes drying rack. Many of you following us on Instagram, are busy renovating your homes. We welcome you here to learn more about the laundry ladder.
Images are from @myneutraldream and @thebigashreno
Contact us if you have more questions
We have listed a couple of details about the laundry ladders, if you have other questions click on our chat box now and we will do our best to respond as quickly as we can.
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033 022 32855
Are you in the process of renovating a room into a laundry room or even creating a laundry cupboard then send us a short video or images of your project and we will use these in our blog or on social media. We would like to collate a variety of laundry rooms and spaces to inspire others.
Monthly Offer
Green Living - small changes in our homes can help us all do our bit for the planet.
see here three products on offer this monthe
Compost Tin - compost your veg peels to give back to your garden
Net Bags - Protect your delicate clothes in the wash
Bees Wax Wraps - The alternative to cling film.