How does Julu help you Combat Plastic Free July

How does Julu help you Combat Plastic Free July

It's Plastic Free July, so here at Julu we have gathered up some of our favourite products that are alternatives to plastic. 

We are at a tipping point with plastic waste in the world we are hearing this on daily basis through the news and documentaries and it is something we cannot afford ignore.  We asked the team to name one new alternative eco-friendly company they champion to see what small changes we can all make.  Rob our marketing consultant has changed to using Smol products, because of their reduced packaging.  

Lucie co-founder chooses The Two Farmers Crisps as her preferred snack, with its biodegradable packaging which she then tosses into the compost.

Julia co-founder chooses Washed Up Cards, these cards use repurposed plastic waste found on UK beaches.

What can Julu do to help you during Plastic Free July?

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